阅读次数: 发布时间:2022-11-18陈腾飞,男,1992年10月生,工学博士,讲师。2021年10月毕业于南京航空航天大学航空学院,2022年1月入职伟德国际1946源于英国力学系。研究方向包括时变非线性动力学系统建模与参数辨识等。在Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing、Journal of Sound and Vibration、Acta Mechanica等SCI期刊发表论文4篇。
1. Chen T, Chen G, Chen W, Hou S, Zheng Y, He H. Application of decoupled ARMA model to modal identification of linear time-varying system based on the ICA and assumption of “short-time linearly varying”. Journal of sound and vibration, 499 (2021) 115997.
2. Chen T, Chen W, Chen G, He H. Recursive formulation of the WKB solution for linear time-varying dynamic systems. Acta Mechanica, (2021).
3. Chen T, He H, Chen G, Zheng Y, Hou S, Xi X. Parameter identification for nonlinear time-varying dynamic system based on the assumption of “short time linearly varying” and global constraint optimization. Mechanical systems and signal processing, (2020) 139.
4. Chen T, He H, He C, Chen G. New parameter-identification method based on QR decomposition for nonlinear time-varying systems. Journal of engineering mechanics, 145 (2019) 1–11.
5. 陈腾飞,何欢,何成,陈国平. 基于子系统的非线性时变系统辨识方法. 振动、测试与诊断, 2020, 40(5): 865-872.